Watch going to your car at the end since parking lot lighting is not so good. Glad the tickets were cheap because I dropped a small fortune on food. Okay food fare but expect to pay stadium prices ($12.50 for a premium beer!). Imagine that a full concert, like the Garth Brooks one, made things interesting. We had a large crowed last night and honestly getting out of the stadium and back onto I5 was pretty easy compared to other sports traffic that I have been part of or witnessed. Tickets are a little pricey especially those on the glass. Stadium itself is dated, but is pretty clean including the bathooms. Get Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, CA, USA setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Valley View Casino Center, San Diego. Pay lots around the stadium are about $10 and that walk is probably okay. Expect to pay between $15 to $20 for parking which really isn't all that bad. The 'neighborhood' surrounding the arena is beyond eclectic (strip bars and massage parlors among other businesses). Not sure about public transportation, and I sure has heck wouldn't walk there.